Loan Rates

Loan Schemes of the Bank
Nos. Types of Loans Limit Int. Rate (%)
1 Gold Loan Ordinary 3 month 10.25%
2 Gold Loan Ordinary 6 month 10.50%
3 Gold Loan Ordinary 12 month 17.0%
4 Agriculture Gold Loan - 7%
5 Personal Loan Upto 50000 10%
6 Vehicle Loan - 11%
7 Consumer Loan - 12%
8 Mortgage Loan Upto 2L 10%
9 Mortgage Loan Above 2L 11%
10 Kudumbashree Loan - 8.25%
11 Business Loan - 12.25%
12 Housing Loan Upto 3L 9.5%
13 Housing Loan Above 3L 10.5%